● Introduction 

      Often we hear the term UN or United Nations, like UN decided to do so and so, UN meets held at Geneva,  Russia uses Veto against China etc. So what is UNO or We can say United Nations Organization(UN & UNO Is same don't get confused)? UN is an international organization founded in 1945 after the 2nd World war to Prevent further Wars & Maintain worldwide Peace.

● History

     In 1914 1st world war started and ended in 1918. World war 1 caused mass destruction and the Killing of large no. Of People. So, no one was there to control all Countries to stop wars. This leads the US to establish world level Organization,  so in 1918 United States President Woodrow Wilson came up with a sketch of an International body in his Fourteen points to End the War. In November 1918 central powers Agreed to stop the killing of World war-1 and after two months allies met at Paris Peace Conference for formal peace terms. Then in the summer, of 1919 Wilson introduced the Treaty of Versailles and the Covenant of The League of Nations in the US senate but He did not get Consent to the Corroboration. Then on 10, January 1919 The League of Nations formally came into existence after the Covenant of the League of Nations was ratified by 42 Countries. It began with Four Permanent Members - the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Japan. Now the question is why the USA was not Part of the League of Nations even though the plan was Introduced by the President of the USA, the reason was, to join this League each country must have the Consent of Its Parliament and the US Parliament rejected it. After some successes and some failures League proved ineffective and failed to stop World war 2.


● Formation of UNO

      The First specific step toward the formation of the United Nations was the Inter-Allied Conference on 12, June 1941 which led to the London Declaration (We can say the UN As an Upgraded version of the League of Nations). By August 1941 American President Franklin Roosevelt and Britain's Prime Minister Winston Churchill had created a plan for the Atlantic Charter to define goals for the post world war. Roosevelt planned to give Major powers to the Four strong Allies (US, BRITAIN, USSR, REPUBLIC OF CHINA) but after Churchill's request, Roosevelt include France also after the Liberation of Paris in 1944.

      After some Months of Planning, on 25, April 1945 - 50 Governments and Non-governmental Organizations met for UN Conference on International Organization. The drafting of the Charter of the United Nation was Completed in the following 2 Months. On 26, June 1945 - It was signed by Representatives of 50 countries. The UN officially came into existence on 24, October 1945 with the Corroboration of the Charter by 5 permanent members of the Security Council (US, CHINA, RUSSIA, ENGLAND, FRANCE). The permanent members have Veto power which means if one of the 5 Counties uses a veto against any Resolution, no matter if the whole world agreed to that, the Resolution would never pass. The 1st meeting of the General Assembly of Nations represented by 51 Countries and The 1st meeting of the Security Council was held in London at the beginning of January 1946. 

    ● According to the Charter, The Objectives of the Organization are to,

      1) Maintain International peace and Security.

      2) Protect Human Rights

      3) deliver Humanitarian Aid

      4) Promote Sustainable development 

      5) Uphold International Law.

    ● Six Organs of UNO

      1) General Assembly

      2) Security Council 

      3) Economic & Social Assembly

      4) Trusteeship Council

      5) International Court of Justice

      6) UN secretariat.

Emblem of UNO.

    ● The UN's chief Administrative officer is known as The Secretary-General. The current is Antönio Guterres.

    ● It works in 6 legal Languages.

      1) English(for official work)

      2) Arabic

      3) French

      4) Russian

      5) Chinese 

      6) Spanish 

● Which Countries can Join UNO? 

      According to UNO,

     ● Membership in the United Nation is open for all Peace Loving Countries that accept the Obligations contained in the Present Charter and in the Judgement of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out These Obligations.

     ● The Admission of any such Country to Membership in the UNO will be affected by the Decision of the General Assembly upon the Recommendation of The Security Council ( Chapter-2, Article-4).

Meet of Security council.

● Few Words to You

     I, Myself wrote this Article. I took References from Wikipedia & Youtube. I didn't Copy it, Hope You will like it, stay safe, stay close,  JAI HIND.


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